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the 'prep' phase

The idea to travel along North America started in 2016. After travelling in Europe and arriving home with holiday blues and depressions we decided to travel for some longer period.

North America kept inspiring us due to the nice nature and memories from previous holidays. It didn't stay with words, but finally became reality.

The 'real' preparation of our journey started in February 2017 at the yearly motorcycle exhibition in Utrecht (The Netherlands). There we first came in contact with Tim Pugh of 'Motofreight' based in the U.K. The team is specialized in international motorcycle shipping.

In March 2017, we bought our Vaude Chapel L3P tent and in april we tested the tent at the 2-valve BMW boxer motor event in Riethoven (NL). The tent survived the test.

To practice our all-road skills with our GS', we went in August 2017 to the GS meeting in Norway. It was a 3-day event, riding in all types of gravel. The aim of our trip was to continue travelling in Norway for 1 more week after the meeting. Unfortunately the event ended in a bad fairytale... David hit a sharp stone in the mud and ended-up with a hole in his motorblock despite the Touratech carter protection. Shit happens... The journey with 'Jaak' was over and out. Thanks to the help of Chritian Matzner & the insurance company we could transfer David's GS back home. As we always turn a negative topic into a positive one, we have again a good reason to return to the GS meeting in Norway.

After 10 days waiting, 'Jaak' arrived @ our BMW dealer 'Peter D'Haese' in Zottegem. Thanks to the professional team in the garage, Jaak became again alive and kicking!

Now it's November and time to apply for our tourist visum for the US.

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