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Make-a-Wish: Princess Imme

We are proud to tell you that Imme enjoyed a magnificent ‘princess-day’ at the castle of Rumbeke. We’ve received a nice report from her, explaining how she enjoyed her day.

On May 4th, 2019 Imme enjoyed her princess party together with her parents and little sister. She was picked-up at her home by a wonderful white horse-drawn carriage to go to the beautiful castle of Rumbeke. The first stop was at the ‘chocolatier’ in Deerlijk where she could help to make a chocolate cake in the shape of a castle.

At noon she enjoyed her favorite lunch ‘meatballs in tomato sauce and French fries’ together with her mom, dad and sister.

But the fun only had to start… In the afternoon, all her family, classmates and teachers incl the head of the school were waiting at the huge entrance of the castle to welcome the little princess. Everyone was colorful dressed-up like princes, princesses, squires & knights

She arrived in the white horse-drawn carriage, pulled by 2 beautiful white horses.

Imme received a red-carpet welcome and a bouquet of flowers arriving at the castle

During the castle-party everyone enjoyed the funny jokes of a real clown, learned some new dances, played outside in the bouncy castle, were made extra beautiful with make-up sessions. They’ve received balloons from the clown and gorgeous drawings were made by everyone to give to Imme.

From all these activities, you get of course hungry and delicious cakes & drinks were offered.

The day couldn’t end without some marvelous presents and sweet memories …

We would like to thank each of you who donated on our Make-a-Wish Belgium-Vlaanderen account.

We can say, that we helped to let the stars sparkle in the eyes of Imme.

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