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Day 12

After the visit of the lovely town Franklin we started to ride on the Natchez Trace Parkway direction South. Franklin was a nice city where we visited the Carter House and learned some new things about the civil war. We ended this day at the campsite of Meriwether Lewis State Park where we had literally a freezing night. The ice was on the tent. We continued our way on the beautiful and peacefull Natchez Trace towards Tombigbee State Park where we had a luxurious "Primitive" camping. In Tupelo we visited a car show in real American style. Finally the weather changed to some, at first, warm and dry weather but it started to rain very quick.

First part of the day was wet, wet and wet but in the afternoon we were meeting the spring and this continued till the night at Timberlake. Around 3am somebody decided to open the locks of the big waterreserve upon our heads accompanied with a spectacular sound and light show. Result the tent was completly soaked when we packed it. After a good breakfast we continue our way south in search of better weather.

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