In the morning we first needed to go to Best Buy for a new mobile phone for David. The service we received was unknown to us. The salesman took all the time to install the new phone to ensure all data was correctly transferred to the new phone.
We spent 3 nice days at the Overland Expo, for us it was the first one. Although the Expo was more focused on the 4x4 and off-road RVs, going from almost normal vehicles to rolling palaces. We had a great time meeting like-minded travelers and motorbikers. We also were finally able to meet again our Norwegian friend, Thor, who’s also travelling through the US with the goal driving from Alaska to Argentina. We had great time with people like Nigel (UK guy travelling through US), Lisa and Jason (a UK couple travelling already 4,5 years & making new plans – see website, Dan (an experienced overlander & also friend of Thor), Rob ( Californian guy, fantastic neighbor on the campground) and some other people from the US; Greg, David, Melanie & Greg and many more. Meeting & greeting people was the best part of the expo. As a result, our travelling list is now even longer and we are inspired with new upcoming plans for the future. We were also lucky to meet and talk with very inspiring travel pioneers like Ted Simon, Tiffany Coates, Elspeth Beard and Sam Manicon. On Saturday evening, there was a BBQ for the motorbikers which was very nice and on top of the evening we won a real American coffee cup and foldable coffeemaker with the raffle! The first time ever we won something with a raffle 😊. Full of inspiration and eager to continue our journey, we decided to leave already on Sunday morning. After saying goodbye to our new friends we took off on I40 ad ended in a motel in Gallup.