It’s been a week since our last blog update and guess why??? Limited internet access and lots of kilometers to drive into the wilderness.
Over the last week we’ve been in White River where we discovered that it’s the hometown of Winnie-de-Pooh. We drove via Wawa to Sault-Saint-Marie via the shores of Lake Superior. An unbelievably beautiful road into the hills and next to the lake. You can enjoy some pictures we took at Katarine Cove. We continued our way via Iron Birdge to Sudbury back up north via Sturgeon Falls to Marten River and Larder Lake.
On Saturday we entered Québec, which you could immediately see on the billboards 😊.
We must admit that the Canadian French is different from what we’re used to, even a bit funny. But the welcome in Québec, wasn’t the one we’ve expected… the entire day it was pouring rain, thunderstorm and lightening, which made us stay in a motel in Senneterre. We were completely soaked and needed to dry all our gear.
We’ve made the best out of our motel stay and went eating some real ‘poutine’ in a local pub. But what the hell is poutine???? Poutine (/puːˈtiːn/; Quebec French: [put͡sɪn] ( listen)) is a dish originating from the Canadian province of Quebec, consisting of French fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy (Wikipedia). It was delicious, with additional meat, bell peppers, olives, mushrooms and spicy peppers.
Yesterday, the sun returned and it became subtropical hot. We continued driving north along numerous lakes and bushes.
Over the last 7 days we can conclude that the northern part of Canada is empty with lots of lakes and wilderness. It might look boring, but this is something we completely don’t know in our crowded tiny Belgian country.
And last but not least, we met again some interesting people, like Simon and Sylvie. Simon sailed during 3 years around the world on his own. Now he was enjoying a trip together with Sylvie and his homemade raindrop trailer.
Tomorrow we plan to arrive in Québec. After our stay over there, you can expect again a blog update.