Make-a-Wish: Princess Imme
We are proud to tell you that Imme enjoyed a magnificent ‘princess-day’ at the castle of Rumbeke. We’ve received a nice report from her,...
The Final Update For North-America 2018
We promised to give an update on our Make-A-Wish Vlaanderen project. In total we collected 1165€ and we decided to support the Wish of...

Day 232 The End
In London we’ve found our best friends, Jaak and Mieke back at the Air Canada cargo. We were happy to see eachother again in a safe and...

Day 229
After saying goodbye to Jaak and Mieke, we rented a car to continue the last days of our journey in North America. First we’ve paid a...

Day 225
Day 224 The 2nd of October was our wedding anniversary. Yesyes, we didn’t only survive this journey, but also a marriage of 19years 😊! ...

Day 216
On Thursday morning the sun was back again, ideal to continue our journey and to enter back in the United States via Calais in the State...

Day 211
Friday evening we met with the guys of BMWMOA of Nova Scotia for a nice diner and we discussed the plans for the weekend. Saturday...

Day 206
206 days ago, we started in the winter, followed the budding of the leaves in spring, tried to catch the sun in the summer and finally...

Day 200
Today we are 200 days on the road. So far it has been an amazing journey and we still don’t feel ready to return home, but nevertheless...

Day 196
The last 4 days we’ve driven the Gaspésie peninsula of Québec. It was a magnificent curvy road alongside the sea shore and all the small...

Day 192
As promised, here an update on our stay in beautiful Québec. On Tuesday morning we left the campsite with our first flat tire on the...

Day 188
It’s been a week since our last blog update and guess why??? Limited internet access and lots of kilometers to drive into the wilderness....

Day 181
On Thursday we hit our 40000km on the road! We went to Saskatoon in search for a new Scala Rider communication system, as David’s one...

Day 177
Oh my God! Canadians are really early birds! At 7am, almost everybody left the campsite, except us, we needed some more time to wake up...

Day 173
Just an update on our great time we’ve spent at the ‘beecee beemers’ meeting. We’ve had 3 lazy days, didn’t leave the campground, just...